Warriors' Watch Riders Forums

SEPA 4/11- FUNERAL - Korea MIA Cpl Robert Higgins
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Author:  howardk [ Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  SEPA 4/11- FUNERAL - Korea MIA Cpl Robert Higgins

Howard and all of the Warrior Watch Riders,
With warm appreciation I am sending these greetings to all of you. It was an honor to meet you Howard, to learn of your members dedication to our troops. Your presence was so uplifting. The sound of your motorcycles lifted our hearts to know you were there for him, flags flying proud as you escorted our Uncle Bob from the airport to the funereal parlor, restrictions prevented you and others from being on the Tarmack but we knew you were all standing by. Saluting and escorting him into the parlor for the family as an honor guard. Continuing your watch on Saturday in the motorcade from the funeral parlor to the church standing in honor at the entrance of the church along with the Military presence, family and friends. The heavens were shining on all throughout the day. The wind demonstrated the love and breath of our Creator. The motorcade continued to the Washington Crossing National Cemetery to take Uncle Bob to his final resting place here at home. One of my daughters was invited by a fellow named Rick to ride with him to the Cemetery on his bike. I found that to be awesome. Thank you for the special beads that we received. I can see the fellows face in my minds eye, who gave them to me but I don't recall his name. If you could help me to know the meaning of them I would appreciate hearing from you. There was so much to take in over these past events, I have trouble remembering, to me, these important details. So just know you are all in our thoughts and prayers as you continue to honor our military who have served to keep our country free to do Gods Will & defend our country. I would have preferred to hand write you this letter but I thought it might be more legible in print. On behalf of the entire Higgins family we
Thank you
God Bless you all,
Mary Schultz

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