Warriors' Watch Riders Forums

PFC William Vito Giovanniello Korea MIA

Author:  NVR4GET [ Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  PFC William Vito Giovanniello Korea MIA

Thank you letters received from the niece and nephew oh PFC Giovanniello:
Our mission is complete, WE brought him home honorably.

WWR NEPA, you made me feel so humble yesterday from yesterdays ceremony and reversing the appreciation just blew me away. I will keep the medal you gave me close to view at all times as it is a token of remembrance of just how patriotic and kind people like you are that make the fabric of our society. Rocky

Thanks, Rocky, I couldn't have expressed our gratitude better! I saw a video of all the Riders from the groups attending and I was overcome with the numbers...it was an amazing tribute to our Uncle William. I would also like the name of the other pall bearer...I met so many wonderful people!
All I know is that the escort couldn't have been more helpful and respectful of our procession.
I cherish my medal also...it will have a place of honor with the American flag!
With gratitude, Liz

On Nov 6, 2016, at 7:03 AM, Rocco Giovanniello <rockygee7@gmail.com> wrote:

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