The flag line is a chance for the community to see that there IS support for the soldier that gave all for all of us. We do this as a sign of respect and honor. We have received a consensus from all branches of the military and PD and FD for the protocols that we use. While stationed on the flag line the following rules need to be followed.
1. You will see Ride Captains walking around without flags. They are working the mission tasks. Please let them continue and if they ask you, assist them as needed.
2. Please no talking, if you must, keep it to a whisper or leave the flag line
3. Do not walk while unrolling the flag, this should be done before leaving your vehicle.
4. Do not walk while rolling up the flag, wait until you reach your vehicle.
5. If you need to leave the flag line then either have someone else hold your flag or take it with you. (see leaving the flag line procedures below)
6. Stand Tall and silent
7. Turn cell phone off or on vibrate.
8. No smoking at any time that you have a flag or if you standing near someone with a flag, if you have to smoke please leave the flag line area to a secluded location
9. No moving around unless you are leaving the flag line
10. Keep the flag pole vertical at all times, do not dip it or tilt it in any way. The American flag does not bow or dip to anything.
11. Please hold the flag on your left hand side. Members of the family, guest and military may walk the flag line to thank the holders.
12. If you do not have a flag, then you can stand tall and silent between other flag holders
13. When a salute is given by the military, stand at attention. If you are in the flag line you are considered to be at a salute when holding the flag.
14. If you are in the flag line and are not holding a flag please follow the military's command to salute or place your hand on your heart, or if you are military or veteran you may present a hand salute. On some occasions, the Ride Captain will call the Warrior Watch Riders to attention, please follow their lead.
15. If at a funeral service, memorial service, or cemetery service whether on a flag line or not, do NOT start or move your motorcycle or cage while the service is going on. Please wait until after the stand-down is issued by the Ride Captain
16. If you know that you must leave during the mission before a stand-down is issued then you must park your vehicle far enough away so that it cannot be seen or heard when it is moved. At a cemetery, a quarter mile or more may be required.
17. During an in-door service, once the service has started and the guest are inside a stand-down will be issued for the flag line outside. Shortly before the service concludes the flag line may be reformed. During this time at-ease, relax, have some water but do not disturb the service. A forward advance team may move to the cemetery during this time.
18. When a stand-down is issued, continue to hold the flag vertical until you reach your vehicle, only then should you roll up the flag (do not let it touch the ground)
19. Stand Tall 20. Stand Silent 21. Stand Respectful
Thank you for all you do