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Warriors' Watch Riders Forums › View topic - Mission and Vision Statement revision 10/18/18

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:04 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:14 pm
Posts: 322
To: National, Asst National, State, Asst State Coordinators
Cc: info to all members
From: National President

ALL HANDS : After further review and consideration I have changed the statement concerning " no grievance procedure", modifying it to clarify the intent.

Good Afternoon,

Existing Warriors Watch Riders Mission and Vision Statements state that disrespect shown to our leadership, our organization or our members by any member or other organization will not be tolerated.

Effective immediately, It will result in removal, from our forums, website, membership,Facebook pages .
The responsibility for this action lies with the various state coordinators only. This action should not be taken lightly. Except for most extreme occurrences the offender will be contacted by the SC in an email with copies to that states ASC, the national coordinator and the national president, the email will inform the offender of what they did and inform them they have a right to ask for a meeting between them and the SC to discuss the issue (the request for a meeting must be made within 48 hours). If a second transgression occurs the offender will be notified by the SC of our decision to remove, once again with copies to the email to ASC's, national coordinator, and the national president. The offender will have the right to ask for a meeting with the SC and the national coordinator, (the request for the meeting must be made within 48 hours). The national coordinator will make the final determination and inform all parties via email. This practice applies to all states.

Additionally, the State Coordinators possess the exclusive authority to call and have missions posted. All missions involving WWR must be posted. There are no unofficial missions. ( excluding spontaneous opportunities to " coin" a Veteran). Members and member organizations must be aware that without the SC approval, they may not act on behalf of WWR. All members are encouraged to share their ideas with their SC for approval of a mission.

No member nor official in WWR is authorized to accept contribution, donations or funds on behalf of WWR. Anyone not complying with this will be terminated by the National Coordinator. No organization shall collect or receive funds of any nature on behalf of WWR. Any organization violating this will also be eliminated from our roles by the National Coordinator . Directors will be responsible for notifying the State Coordinators of this action.

WWR is a volunteer organization. All relationships are considered as " at will" relationships. This means any member or organization can leave or quit without explanation and WWR can remove any member or organization without explanation as well.

Discipline, although difficult in an all volunteer organization, is a necessity. Without it anarchy will rule, and we as leaders will not be able to complete our mission, we'll loose the respect of our members, and our hard earned reputation will be lost. We, WWR leadership will not permit this.

Bob Crawford
National President

George Davis
National Coordinator

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:33 pm 
WWR Coordinator
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:46 pm
Posts: 858
Location: Collegeville Pa.
Yep, WWR has my support with this...

Remember Everyone Deployed

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:05 pm 
WWR Coordinator
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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:56 am
Posts: 1653
Location: The Cost of Freedom is Not Free, Let Us NEVER FORGET!!!
I too support this!!!

In Memory of all those we lost on 9/11/2001

In honor of:
My son SFC US Army 82nd ABN, active duty 2 tours in Afghanistan
My father Cold War Vet. SGT US Army 8th Division 28th Infantry stationed in Germany
All those who protect this great nation

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