Guys and Girls,
It has been brought to the attention of National that some of our members are using "Blue Lights" in violation of the PA code. Below is the PA Code covering the use of " Blue Lights"
ยง 4572. Visual signals on authorized vehicles.
(a) Flashing or revolving blue lights.--Ambulance personnel, volunteer firefighters, certified volunteer search and rescue organization members and owners and handlers of dogs used in tracking humans may each equip one motor vehicle with no more than two flashing or revolving blue lights. The following shall apply:
(1) In order to be eligible to display lights on their vehicles under this subsection, the names of the ambulance personnel, volunteer firefighters and certified volunteer search and rescue organization members shall be submitted to the nearest station of the Pennsylvania State Police on a list signed by the chief of the ambulance or fire department or company, the head of the search and rescue organization, and each dog owner and handler shall register at the nearest Pennsylvania State Police station.
(2) The manner in which the lights are displayed and their intensity shall be determined by regulation of the department.
(2.1) Nothing contained in the regulations under paragraph (2) shall be construed to require a limit, modification or change of the lighting in vehicles legally complying with regulations as of the date of enactment of this paragraph as long as the vehicle is used in a manner that otherwise complies with this section. (3) The lights shall be operable by the driver from inside the vehicle.
The lights may be used only while en route to or at the scene of a fire or emergency call.
(5) The lights shall be removed from the vehicle immediately upon receipt of notice from the chief of the ambulance or fire department or company or the head of the search and rescue organization to remove the lights upon termination of the person's status as an active volunteer firefighter or ambulance person or upon termination of the person's active status as a certified volunteer search and rescue organization member or dog owner or handler, or when the vehicle is no longer used in connection with the person's duties as a volunteer firefighter or ambulance person, certified volunteer search and rescue organization member or dog owner or handler.
(6) This subsection does not relieve the driver from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons nor exempt the driver from complying with all provisions of this title.
(7) The department may not prohibit the use of flashing or revolving blue lights mounted internally in the passenger compartment of a privately owned vehicle used in answering an emergency call that otherwise comply with the department's regulations.
Understand that the use of the Blue Lights for any other purpose is against the PA code and the operator of the Vehicle is subject to legal action. The "Blue Light" Code is the same for 4 or 2 wheels.
Please note that the use of any color "emergency lights" is also not allowed.