There's been talk of replacing what we use now, or we can "fix" what we use now.
I have always boasted that WWR avoids the headaches of other groups as we "do everything on our own dime, and our own time, in fact, you can't even donate to us as we are not a 501c3".
So, to that end, was hoping someone would volunteer their services to accomplish this goal.
And, to put my money where my mouth is/was, I've been paying for the web site for (I dunno) over a decade. If someone would want to take over that as well, that'd be more than awesome.
_________________ The moon gives you light, And the bugles and the drums give you music; And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, My heart gives you love."
~Walt Whitman-Drum Taps & IMO Bob (GoArmy) Smith
Riding in Memory of JonD, Proud Parent (Deb), Mike, Irish, Kat, RCRON, Wheelmaster, Chicago Jim, Bob (GoARMY) Smith, Barto, Fitz, Wayne Tronsen, Amps, Wayne (SnakeHawk) Lutz, Chuck, and my father, MSGT Leo Charlier USANG Red Arrow Division.